Friday, May 29, 2015

Throwback: Jang Keun Suk's Proposal

When I was searching for photos that I can upload on my blog, I came across these photos from the first fan meeting of Jang Keun Suk that I attended. It's actually been more than 1 year, I can't even believe that.. Hmm.. actually it was the first time I saw him. That's why that day is very important to me. A nice memory to remember for the rest of my life :)
Well, I cannot share the photos from the event since it is forbidden. So I am sharing what is left as memories from that day.
That day I had met many eels, mostly Japanese, they were surprised to see a Turkish eel who came to see him. One of them had joked: "so then, he is proposing to you hahah".. Well, but he was proposing to everybody with that postcard, on which "you came to receive my proposal?kkk".
For the ones who do not know, JKS is famous among the fans for his "jinx". Namely he has an interesting so called ability.. He is known to bring rain to wherever he goes. Also when he has a show the fans always witness that it begins to rain, and if he cannot bring rain (eg. the weather is so cold!) he prefers to bring snow.. haha I know you think.. "nobody would believe this". Neither did I, until... The first fan meeting of him that I attended, a snow storm began.. And the second one, the weather went from sunny to showers suddenly and my dress was all wet because of the rain and I was trying to find an umbrella to buy in the middle of the night. Believe it or not.. I was also very surprised haha :) the weather is always tricky if he is around, doing something interesting kkk.. Eels know what I am talking about.

my fave chocolate comes out of the gift bag that he'd prepared with his own hands

"You came to receive my proposal?"

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