Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Sancheoneo Ice Festival in Hwacheon

Seoul is getting hotter day by day and I can say the summer is already here. So in order to cool off a little bit, how about looking at the photos of a famous festival made in Hwacheon every winter? I would like to introduce you The Hwacheon Sancheoneo (Mountain Trout) Ice Festival which is one of the festivals I would like to attend next winter. It takes place in Hwacheon in Gangwon-do, with the slogan “Unfrozen hearts, unforgettable memories”. Hwacheon is known to be the first area that freezes in winter, in Korea. So the river is covered with a thick layer of ice and you can do “ice fishing” on it, which seems like a fun experience! Since winter is my favourite season, and I like activities in nature, I do not want to miss it! It is also possible to try various dishes, including raw and grilled mountain trout. The festival takes place around from the beginning of January to the beginning of February, approximately for one month. There is many interest from the foreign tourists. Including ice fishing, the visitors can enjoy fun activities and performance. There is also an exhibition of ice sculptures.  

How to go:

Adress: Hwacheon Stream (화천천) & 5 villages in Hwacheon-gun
Hwacheon-eup, Hwacheon-gun, Gangwon-do 
강원 화천군 화천읍
Telephone: +82-1688-3005

In the festival you can try those activities:

Sancheoneo Experience Program
Ice fishing, Ice fishing for kids, Ice fishing for foreigners, Lure fishing, Bare hand fishing

Snow/Ice Experience Program
Snow sled, bobsleigh, elgomi castle, elgomi bike, ice sled, ice soccer, ice hockey and curling, rides fun park, Haneulgareugi

Opening ceremony, creative sled contest, winter culture village, prize lottery, angel’s day, soldier’s day, lightening ceremony of Seondeung Street, Planetarium, international symposium for native Sancheoneo’s restoration, wood culture experience place, surprise event.

Convenience, Safety
Information center, warming rest area, smoking booth, ice land broadcasting station, first aid center, 119 safety center, free shuttle bus, fishing guide, volunteer work center, festival insurance company, guide on the road.

Things to eat/things to buy
Official food court, Sancheoneo restaurant, booth for traditional snacks, Sancheoneo meat grill center, sashimi center, farmers market, cafetatia, fishing tool store, festival souvenirs.

How to get to Hwacheon from Seoul

By train
Take ITX line from Cheongnyangni Station
Travel time: 1 hour 40 minutes, fare: 6700 won
Get off at Chuncheon station and go to the bus stop near the train station to catch a Hwacheon-bound bus that leaves the Chuncheon Express Bus Terminal every 30 minutes.
Round trip train tickets to Chuncheon can get sold out in the weekends so make sure to reserve.
By Bus
From Dong Seoul Bus Terminal take an intercity bus to Hwacheon
Bus schedule: 07:05- 19:35, 30-40 minute intervals
Hwacheon Stream is a 10 minutes’ walk from the Hwacheon Bus Terminal


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Throwback Again: Dream Art with K-Star exhibition

One year ago I had gone to this Dream Art with K-Star exhibition. The reason I went, was of course there were great portraits of Jang Keun Suk, made by outstanding artists. In fact one of the themes in the exhibition was the drama You Are Beautiful. You can see the paintings involving the other actors from the drama as well.
The day I visited the gallery, a few ajussis in suits who looked like the organizers of the exhibition, were surprised by the foreigner looking girl who was taking the pictures of only Jang Keun Suk, they kept staring at me and then one of them said "Hello", I had to explain to them, my reason for coming there was Jang Keun Suk and they seemed even more surprised.. and we chatted a little bit. At that time I had heard a news that there would be another exhibition which involved the artworks about Jang Keun Suk only, but I haven't heard anything related to that afterwards. I don't know what ever happened to that plan. If that was the case I would love to go and maybe if I can manage, I would but a piece of art too.. :)

my favourite piece ^^

my 2nd favourite kk

Friday, May 29, 2015

Throwback: Jang Keun Suk's Proposal

When I was searching for photos that I can upload on my blog, I came across these photos from the first fan meeting of Jang Keun Suk that I attended. It's actually been more than 1 year, I can't even believe that.. Hmm.. actually it was the first time I saw him. That's why that day is very important to me. A nice memory to remember for the rest of my life :)
Well, I cannot share the photos from the event since it is forbidden. So I am sharing what is left as memories from that day.
That day I had met many eels, mostly Japanese, they were surprised to see a Turkish eel who came to see him. One of them had joked: "so then, he is proposing to you hahah".. Well, but he was proposing to everybody with that postcard, on which "you came to receive my proposal?kkk".
For the ones who do not know, JKS is famous among the fans for his "jinx". Namely he has an interesting so called ability.. He is known to bring rain to wherever he goes. Also when he has a show the fans always witness that it begins to rain, and if he cannot bring rain (eg. the weather is so cold!) he prefers to bring snow.. haha I know you think.. "nobody would believe this". Neither did I, until... The first fan meeting of him that I attended, a snow storm began.. And the second one, the weather went from sunny to showers suddenly and my dress was all wet because of the rain and I was trying to find an umbrella to buy in the middle of the night. Believe it or not.. I was also very surprised haha :) the weather is always tricky if he is around, doing something interesting kkk.. Eels know what I am talking about.

my fave chocolate comes out of the gift bag that he'd prepared with his own hands

"You came to receive my proposal?"

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wow Korea ile Kore’yi geziyoruz: 1. Bolum

1. Gun

Gezimizin birinci gununde ilk duragimiz Wonju’daki yeni acilan Kore Turizm Merkezi (KTO) binasiydi. Seoul’den Wonju’ya tasinmis merkez bina. Burada acilis ve yemin toreninden sonra bize sertifikalarimiz verildi ve KTO’nun resmi gonulluleri olarak Kore turizm elcileri olarak gorevimize basladik.

Ogle yemegimiz 한가족숯불닭갈비 adli restoranda yedigimiz son derece lezzetli, 닭갈비 adi verilen baharatli, acili kizarmis tavuk yemegiydi.

Ogle yemegi sonrasi SAN muzesini gezdik. Bu muzede artist James Turrell’in isigi ilginc sekillerde kullanmasiyla hazirladigi sanat eserlerini inceledik. Bu sanat eserlerinden aklimda kalan bir tanesi, disaridan cerceveleri olan pembe bir tablo gibi gozukse de yanda duran kadinin birden buyrun iceri girin diye bizi o cercevenin icine sokmasi ile hepimizin “Aa nasil girdik biz buraya” seklinde soka ugradigi pembe odaydi. SAN muzesi sadece bir muze degil, disaridaki kafeterya ve bahcesi de insanlarin dogayla bas basa kalabilecegi kafa dinlemek icin ideal bir yer haline donusturulmus.

Muze’den ayrildiktan sonra Sokcho’ya gitmek uzere yola koyulduk. Sokcho’ya aksam vardigimizda Daepo iskelesinde balikci pazarini ziyarete gidip orada cesitli kizarmis deniz urunlerinden yedik. Aksam yemegi ise king size buyuk yengecti. Bu yengeclerin uc tanesi 80bin wonmus duyduguma gore. Icindeki azicik etine bakilirsa baya pahali.

2. Gun

Sabah kalkip guzelce kahvalti ettikten sonra teleferige binmek icin Seoraksan eteklerine dogru yol aldik. Teleferige binmeyi beklerken bol bol sohbet edip resim cekildik. Benimse bu dev Buda heykelinin bulundugu yeri ikinci kez ziyaret edisimdi (Birincisi Hanyang’in okul gezisiyleydi).

Seoraksan’da teleferige binip muhtesem manzarayi seyrettikten sonra tekrar otobuse dogru yol aldik bir sonraki duragimiz Eunngol adindaki cilek koyuydu. Cilekleri seradan kendi ellerimizle toplayip hemen mideye indirdik. Seranin sahibi olan yasli amcanin dedigine gore cilekler o kadar iyi sartlarda yetistiriliyordu ki yemeden once yikamaya gerek yoktu.

Daha sonra sehir merkezine gidip Sokcho pazari’nda bol bol dolasip wow Korea misyonlarimizi gerceklestirdik. Misyonlari yaparken bol bol yiyip icmeyi de ihmal etmedik.

 Ogle yemegimiz 명천순대 restoraninda Sundae Stew olmasi kararlastirilmisti ama benim gibi domuz urunlerini yiyemeyenler naengmyeon adli soguk buzlu eristelerden yedik.

Yemekten sonra sehir merkezindeki pazarda (Central Market) ve Abai Village’I gezdik. Abai Village’de cok ilginc, yasli bir amcanin bir platformun uzerinde ipi cekmesi ile hareket edip sizi karsi kiyiya birkac dakikada geciren ufak platform seklindeki bota bindik.

bizim cocuklar amcaya yardim ederken kk
Aksam 4 oldugunda artik Sokcho gezimiz tamamlanmis artik Gangneung’a gitmek icin yola cikmistik. Bir sonraki duragimiz Gangneung Coffee Street (yani kahve sokagi) idi.
Adindan da anlasilabilecegi gibi bu sokak tamamiyle kahve dukkanlarindan olusuyordu. Bizim gorevimiz de bu sokagi tanitmak icin grup olarak birer video cekmekti ve cok eglenceliydi. Grupca bize verilen parayi bol bol yiyip icerek harcadik (ogle yemeginde bizim grup lideri kagit tas makasta birinci gelip 50.000 wonu kapmisti da!). Iste bu yuzden aksam yemegi vakti geldiginde herkesin karni toktu. Hatta otobuse bindigimizde insanlar “Aaa ne? yine mi yemek yiyecegiz?” diye yakinmasina ragmen restorana varip yemekler onumuze kondugunda herkes tok karnini unuttu ve hapur kupur yemeye koyuldu.
Ben de dahil. Cunku ahtapotlu tofu yahnisi gezide yedigimiz belki de en guzel yemekti. Daha sonra o gece kalacagimiz tarihi Hanok koyu Seongyojang’a gittigimizde yeni tanistigim arkadaslarla Hanok’u turladik, karanlikta cok gizemli ve hos gozukuyordu. Deli gibi yorgun olsam da uzun bir sure iceri girip uyumak istemedim.

nasil, cok gizemli degil mi?

sabah uyandigimizda manzara :)
3. Gun

Sabah Hanok’ta calisan bir teyze bize kahvaltilarimizi hazirlamisti, en basta cok garip gelse de artik sabahlari pilav, sebze ve corba yiyebiliyorum o yuzden pilav, soya soslu patates ve haslanmis otlardan olusan kahvaltiyi istahla yedim. Jeongdongjin denilen Rail Bike’a binilen yere gittik kahvaltidan sonra. Bu railbike denen seye ilk kez Kore’de rastladim. Tren yolunun plaja bakan kismini bu sekilde tesis yapmislar ve baya talep vardi. Temiz havada deniz kenarinda railbike’a binmek cok ic acici ve eglenceliydi.

Rail bike aktivitemizden sonra Haslla Art World’u gezdik. Haslla Art World hem otel hem de muze gorevini goruyor. Sanat eserlerini inceledikten sonra oteldeki kral dairesini gezdirdiler bize. Otelde calisan gorevliden duyduguma gore dunyaca unlu sanatci PSY da bu oteli sikca ziyaret edenler arasindaymis. Kore tarsi table d’hote yemegi de gezi sirasinda en begendigim yemekler arasindaydi. Nedenini sorarsaniz, cok taze ve saglikli, dogal ve organik otlardan olusan bir ogle yemegiydi.

Nasil gidebilirim??
Bu bolumde eger Kore’ ye gelirseniz bu yerlere nasil gideceginizi anlatacagim.

San Muzesi
Wonju Express Bus Terminal’den Oak Valley’e giden Shuttle Otobusunu kullanarak gidebilirsiniz.

Daepo Iskelesi ve Balikci Pazari
1- Sokcho Express Bus Terminal’den 1,3,5,7,9 numarali otobuse binerseniz Daepohang iskelesine 2-3 dakika suruyor.
2- Sokcho Intercity Bus Terminal’den 1, 1-1, 1-7, 7-1, 9, or 9-1 numarali sehir otobuslerine binerseniz Daepohang iskelesine kadar 25 dakika suruyor.

Seoul Express Bus Terminal ya da Dong Seoul Bus Terminal’den Sokcho Bus Terminal’e giden otobuse binip 2 bucuk saatlik bir yolculukla Sokcho’ya gitmek mumkun. Otobus saatleri icin: Sokcho Intercity/Express Bus Terminal’den 7 ya da 7-1 nolu otobuse binip Sogongwon duragina kadar 45 dakikada giderseniz bu teleferige binilen yere ulasabilirsiniz.

Abai Village
Sokcho Express Terminal’den 1, 7, ya da 9 nolu sehir otobusu ile 10 dakika
Sokcho Intercity Bus Terminal’den 7-1 ya da 9-1 nolu sehir otobusune binip City Hall’da inerseniz 10 dakikalik mesafede.

Gangneung Coffee Street
Gangneung Coffee Street, Gyeongpo plajinin hemen yanindaki kahve dukkanlarinin oldugu sokak. Gyeongpo plajina
Seoul Express Bus Terminal’den Gangneung’a giden otobuse binip
Gangneung Intercity Bus Terminal’den Gyeongpodae Beach’e kadar 202 nolu otobuse binip
200 metre civari yuruyerek ulasabilirsiniz.

Cheongnyangni Station'dan Jeongdongjin Station'a giden trenle ulasabilirsiniz. 

Haslla Art World
Gangneung Intercity Bus Terminal’e intercity bus yoluyla gidip
Gangneung Terminal’den 111, 112 ya da 113 numarali otobuse binip Haslla Art World’de inin

Seongyojang Hanok Evleri
Gangneung Intercity Bus Terminal’den 150 metre saga yuruyun.
Yol ayriminda Gangneungdaero (강릉대로) yoluna girin.
150metre daha yuruyup 202 nolu otobuse binin.
Seongyojang House (
강릉선교장) otobus duraginda inin.

Gittigimiz Restoranlar:

1. gun 닭갈비 yedigimiz restoranin bilgileri

640 Seoksa-dong Chuncheon-si Gangwon-do

2. gun gittigimiz restoranin bilgileri 


속초시 아바이마을길 11-4

2. gun tofu yahnisi yedigimiz restoranin bilgileri

초당순두부길 96, 강릉시, 강원도

1. gece Sokcho'da kaldigimiz otelin bilgileri

더케이 설악산가족호텔 (The K Hotel)
강원도 속초시 설악산로 470-7

 Bir sonraki Wow Korea gezisinde gorusmek uzere :) Takipte kalin!